Summer & Holiday Care
At Gingerbread learning center, we know that your job doesn't stop when school break, so our care doesn't stop either. We offer programs packed full of exciting activities, while still focusing on your child's development and safety. Activities include field trips, indoor games and crafts, and outdoor play in our large play area that now has a splash park! When planning all activities, our teachers keep in mind the educational and developmental needs of every child, and most importantly their safety. See below for more information on the summer and holiday programs we offer. For information on tuition click here. If you have not already, schedule a tour!
Summer Program
At Gingerbread Learning Center we know that just because school stop, your job doesn't. We create a summer program packed full of activities to engage and educate your child. With our large outdoor area, including the splash park, bounce house, indoor activities, and field trips, your child will never have a dull moment. Our summer field trips include the pool, beach, canoeing and swimming at the state park, bowling, and more!
Holiday Break Programs
In addition to before and after school care, we offer programs during holiday breaks and school breaks for school-age children. These include spring break, winter break, teacher planning days, and early dismissal. For the longer breaks, we plan field trips and activities that educate, and entertain your child. Field trips can include Skate Station, Jump Zone, and Van Zant Park!